Trends impact just about every aspect of life, from slang and fashion to which toys are collectibles this year and which fad diet everyone’s aunt is doing.
Most trends are harmless symptoms of an ever-evolving society and culture, but when they affect the ways we take care of ourselves, they can become serious. In recent years, do-it-yourself teeth whitening has been a “trendy” topic and bloggers and influencers have flooded our feeds touting the latest tips and tricks. We take a closer look at a few of the more popular methods and use science to see if some are risking the health of your teeth without delivering the promise of a whiter smile.
Charcoal Versus Tooth Enamel As counter-intuitive as it seems to rub black powder on your teeth and expect them to become whiter, the rationale behind the idea makes sense. Charcoal is extremely porous and absorbent, and has been used even in hospitals to safely neutralize toxins. In theory, it could do the same for your teeth.
However, charcoal isn’t just porous, it’s also abrasive. Even as it absorbs harmful compounds from your mouth and disrupts bacterial populations, it could also be scraping away your enamel, doing more harm than good. If you enamel things, more of the underlying and darker dentin shows through and could make your smile look more yellow. Until we know more about the effects of charcoal on teeth, it’s safer to give that home remedy a pass.
Lemon Juice: Dissolving Stains Or Dissolving Teeth? The enamel on your teeth is the hardest substance in your body, but it is extremely susceptible to erosion by acid. Your saliva keeps the pH in your mouth balanced to protect your enamel, but any time you eat or drink something acidic, that pH is disrupted and your teeth are vulnerable. Using lemon juice on your teeth in hopes of whitening them is, therefore, likely to cause a lot of enamel erosion, and once that enamel is gone, it’s gone for good.
Oil Pulling: An Ancient Folk Remedy Oil pulling involves swishing oil (typically coconut, sunflower, sesame, or olive oil) around in one’s mouth for up to twenty minutes. Proponents of oil pulling claim it has numerous health benefits, including teeth whitening, but the American Dental association doesn’t recommend it because there is no scientific evidence to back up these claims.
Eating Strawberries And Bananas Strawberries do contain some citric acid, but they also contain malic acid (particularly when ripe), which actually can give your teeth a whiter appearance. Bananas contain potassium, magnesium, and manganese, all of which promote healthier teeth and can help remove surface stains. So these two do-it-yourself teeth whiteners may actually provide some benefit! Both fruits still contain sugar, however, so you should still brush your teeth with dentist approved toothpaste after eating them
Stick To The Science Trends like charcoal toothpaste and lemon juice mouthwash will come and (hopefully) go, and occasionally we’ll discover remedies that do have benefits, like strawberries and bananas, but the best benefits to our teeth will always come from dentist-approved methods. Brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes and floss once a day, avoid sugary drinks and snacks, and schedule regular dental appointments. If all of these good habits aren’t keeping your teeth white enough, we do have a safe, professional teeth whitening solution.
Safe & Professional Teeth Whitening

You may turn to home remedies to save some cash, but if you end up damaging your teeth without getting results, it's really not worth the risk. To bring back the shine in your smile, we offer the Nite White Home Teeth Whitening Kit to keep our patients teeth shining bright. We have found this product is the safest and most effective home whitening solution on the market today.
Get Unlimited Teeth Whitening for Life For the most value, sign up for our Unlimited Teeth Whitening for Life program. For just one fee, you receive teeth whitening for as long as you're a patient - for life! For more details, click here.

Benefits of Philips Zoom Nite White System
No fussy lights or loose strips
No office visit for treatment
Works while you sleep
Safe & Gentle Professional Strength Formula
Strengthens Teeth While it Whitens
Ask your dentist about Nite White Home Teeth Whitening during your next visit. Call (650) 273-4323 or request an appointment online today. Simply choose the Zoom Whitening Consult option when booking online.